Swine Flu Update

Announced by Helen Rayney on 15 July, 2009


Church Members are advised:

You may have swine flu if you have a fever of 380 C or more or a history of fever and flu-like illness plus two or more of the following symptoms: Cough, headache, runny nose, sore throat, limb/joint aching or pain.

If you have the above symptoms please DO NOT attend church. You should remain at home and consult your GP for advice.

Regular hand washing and immediate disposal of used tissues is essential: 'CATCH IT, BIN IT, KILL IT'. Maintain a good standard of hand hygiene: Wash hands with soap and hot water; if soap and water are not available, use alcohol hand gel but hands should be washed as soon as possible.

Everyone should use the supplied alcohol hand gel before entering and when leaving the church building.

Parents are asked to keep their children with them. You are requested to remain with your children in the junior Sabbath school class. Please accompany your child to the toilet and ensure their proper hand hygiene.

Members are advised not to kiss or shake hands when greeting each other. 

The above guidance may appear to be extreme, however, the church has no option but to address this issue. It is imperative that the well being of all those who attend our church is maintained.

I ask for your prayers and support in this matter.

God bless,

Pastor E. Williams

More information go to NHS Website 

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