

If you would like to give a free-will offerring/donation to our church or return your tithe, you can use one of the following options:

1. Use the SUMUP Application

Click on the SUMUP link for Offering

Click on the SUMUP link for Tithes

2. Give via the South-England Conference (SEC) donate website

FInd the Link to the SEC donation website here

Please follow the on-screen instructions and if returning a Local Church Budget offering, Select Walthamstow SDA Church from the drop-down list of churches.

3. Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer

Account details:

Account name             Sort Code                 Account number

WSDAC                        40-01-13                          11755226

4. QR Code - direct bank payment

Make an offering                     Pay your tithe (10% of income)

We thank you for all donations to our local offering budget to support our local church and for your tithe payment.

Please also register your donation as gift aid - this helps us greatly at no extra cost to you.

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